Inspired by the beloved manga and anime series, this set offers a unique perspective, showcasing Astro Boy with half of his mechanical gears exposed, while the other half retains his human-like appearance.
[DUAL-SIDED] Build Astro Boy with astonishing detail, featuring a split design that reveals his inner workings on one side and his human-like exterior on the other. Witness the contrast between his advanced robotics and his innocent, youthful appearance.
[COLLECTIBLE] Perfect for both fans of Astro Boy and enthusiasts of building brick sets, this collectible item offers a fresh perspective on a beloved character, making it a standout addition to any anime or manga collection.
Assembled size: 5.83 x 5.3 x 12.6in
1200+ pieces
4-hour assembly time
Ages 13+
Officially licensed products by Pantasy